Marching abominable

27 04 2009

Marching abominable

Originally uploaded by N-Sai

My birthday always coincides with the delightful Inman Park Festival, so there’s always lots of quirky goodness to go around without me even having to do anything. I got there just in the nick of time to watch this “marching abominable” give an impromptu concierto in the middle of the park and it was truly grand.

The rest of the day was spent having dinner at Agave in Cabbagetown and then catching a bizarre and almost intolerable performance by the Sleepytime Gorilla Museum at The Earl. Followed by drinks at Bazaar and then the newly opened “Firehouse” (formerly the Spotted Dog). Good times. Literally.

‘Evidence’ that spring is here

12 04 2008

pollenicooooleBefore I go into the pros and cons of spring’s arrival, I’d like to address an important issue. A recent comment on this blog suggested that my Peeps clip resembles footage that would typically be garnered from camera hidden in a flower stamen for potential criminal evidence in the Court of Law. This reminded me of that poor Zebra they found recently off I-75. (“They” being the overseers who control the Matrix and thus our thoughts.) The police kept using the word “evidence,” so the new caretakers were calling the Zebra “Evidence.” Anyway, can you imagine what you would say if you found a zebra on the side of the road? I guess you’d say, “I just found a zebra on the side of the road!”

In other animal news, it’s spring and that means spring-loving animals are out and about. Most “spring-loving animals” either have lots and lots of legs or the capability to fly. The giant bees are back to their typical antics and I’d like them to buzz off. They tend to not see the big picture window in my living room and thus fly straight into it, making a loud “smack” every so often. Another fun-filled feature of spring is the large amount of pollen scattered everywhere. But, thankfully, besides casting gloom and doom over the city, delightful spring showers are washing all the pollen away. This of course means that you never know when it’s going to rain. Tornadoes are still a vague possibility and I don’t know how well my apartment would stand up if one came through the north side. But it also helps the drought, so hey.

In other news, I’m finding that “Robot Chicken” is great to have on when you’re doing housework because the skits are so short that you don’t have to worry about missing too much. It’s also a good way to put some cheer, joy and offensive humor into your day. Cheerio!